Shaana van Aardenne – Chiropractor
Shaana graduated from Chiropractic College in South Africa in 2002, after a 6-year intensive Masters degree in Chiropractic. Following graduation she travelled to the UK and gained a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) from the British Chiropractic Association. In October 2006 she successfully achieved advanced status in Sacro-occipital technique (SOT), a qualification that requires 3 years post graduate study and 100 hours of seminar attendance.
Shaana is passionate about Chiropractic health care and helping people enjoy their lives. She regularly attends seminars, meets with new health practitioners and reads books to feed her passion. She has always had an interest in the importance of physical, emotional and chemical health and their impact on overall health. This can be seen in her open and comprehensive approach to patient care.
She has a special interest in pregnant women and Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction SPD/PGP
While waiting in the center’s reception, you will often hear children giggling in her adjustment room or see babies leaving a consultation.
Shaana is a member of The General Chiropractic Council and The United Chiropractic Council.
Shaana is currently only accepting new clients that are ante/postnatal , those suffering with PGP or children.
You can contact Shaana on